Michelle J Lamont

Meet Manifestation & Abundance Spiritual Life Coach

Michelle J. Lamont


From a young age, Michelle J. Lamont recognized she had a gift for praying, dreaming, and speaking into existence the life she wanted. All her experiences led her to become an award-winning podcast host, manifestation master, and spiritual life coach.

Despite enduring years fraught with abandonment and physical and emotional abuse, Lamont is a resilient chameleon who has reinvented herself several times as an entrepreneur, spiritual life coach, and motivational speaker.

Going from a failed suicide attempt to manifesting interviews with Oprah, Kim Kardashian, and Cindy Crawford, Lamont is devoted to showing anyone, no matter what circumstances they find themselves in, that they have the power to create the life of their dreams.

A first-generation Columbian-American born in Dallas, Texas, Lamont learned about the power of using her mind when she started her first company at 8-years-old. After turning a profit, she realized there were no limits to what she could accomplish when she set her mind to it. But tragedy struck when her mother passed away from undifferentiated lymphoma cancer. At 11 years old, Lamontā€™s father drove her to Waco, Texas, where she was placed in an orphanage and became a ward of the state. She remained there for six years until she left to attend Arizona State University.

Lamont started her second business after losing her beloved dog, Nixon, who was killed by a car. About a month after his death, Lamont had a dream. In it, she saw Nixon as a waiter serving other dogs at a restaurant named after him. The vision left her with an inkling to create a venture with dog treats. Starting with $250, she spent five years waiting tables and rolling frozen Dominoā€™s pizza dough until she opened the pet retail store, Foxy Paws. The business would go on to expand into a million-dollar operation with four stores and over 40 employees.

While growing the business, Lamont created another service called Foxy Paws Designs. She taught herself to do her own public relations, which helped to generate local press for the stores. In 2010, she decided to close Foxy Paws due to growing competition from online retailers and increased rent.

On the day she gave her 30-day notice to her landlord, Lamont landed her first public relations client. She was asked to work for a charity event called Dancing with the Stars in Dallas. Leaning on her intuition and business acumen, she launched her public relations company.

Under Lamont PR, her client roster included pro-athletes, comedians, reality TV stars, and TV networks like BRAVO, WE, STYLE, TV ONE, the Travel Channel, and Aspire.

Becoming a Spiritual Life Coach

Though she was thriving in business, behind closed doors, Lamont was living in fear and misery. Suffering through 19 years of a loveless and emotionally abusive marriage, she divorced her husband in 2015.

Decades of feeling unwanted left her believing that she had no purpose outside of making money. Thinking there was nothing left for her, Lamont tried to take her own life. But her failed suicide attempt was the sign she needed to begin a spiritual journey of healing and re-discovering herself. She went back to school for her mindfulness cognitive therapy license, beginning her new chapter studying manifestation, mindfulness, and the law of attraction.

Where is Michelle Today?

Today, Lamont is a spiritual life coach who helps men and women remove their limiting beliefs so that they can manifest everything they desire.

She does this through one-on-one coaching, clarity calls, workshops, and masterclasses. In October 2020, her podcast Manifesting Miracles debuted as one of the top 100 downloaded shows in the spiritual and self-help category.

She reminds us that with the 11 laws of the universe, including the law of attraction, mindfulness, meditation, prayer, and nature, we are all worthy of living a life based in truth, joy, and abundance.

Manifestation Guru

Mindfulness Expert


Motivational Speaker


Join thousands of listeners on a life changing journey towards a more abundant, mindful, and beautiful life of manifestation.


Happy Listeners



What I Offer



From one-on-one spiritual ife coaching to a multi-week/multi-step program, I aim to help guide you on this path toward abundance.


Join many others on a multi-week program across a variety of subjects pertaining to manifestation.


Whether you need to address your team or provide wisdom for a group, I’m happy to share my knowledge on the public stage.



February 14, 2023

I am a nurse, a newer stepmom and wife, and a graduate school student, and this has been the BEST INVESTMENT OF MY LIFE! To keep it short and sweet, I had depression for about a year, sprinkled with repressed issues that were coming out in really harmful ways for myself and my family. I felt that my life was spiraling and falling apart. I knew of Michelle’s podcasts for a while, but I hesitated on asking for help. Then I took a chance with the 1:1 for 6 weeks which FINALLY helped me get out of depression. About 3 months after that, I was ready to move from just feeling okay to happy and abundant. So I signed for Alignment Exposed, and OMG, BEST INVESTMENT OF MY LIFE! 6 weeks is doable for anyone, and you are with a very supportive group. It felt safe to be vulnerable. I almost do not recognize who I am in the mirror when I look back at myself 6 weeks ago before the program. It is like a spiritual bootcamp, but then there is a point where you begin to see the magic and blessings that life, your angels, and God/source has to offer. You also get to see YOU, the actual, fearless, eternal, amazing version of YOU.

Zauhra Nazery

1-1 coaching- is it worth it?!

February 8, 2023

Last week I completed 6 weeks of 1 on 1 coaching with Michelle Lamont and I had to evaluate if it was worth it. I had to come to the resounding conclusion that 100 times YES!!!! I came to her looking for guidance on self love and what I gained was a new mindset. I thought I had done some healing but that shadow work showed me I was holding on to stuff that made it hard to manifest the life I desired. I had been dealing with some personality issues at work, a few people I worked with who made my job harder and she helped me so much. Iā€™m going to get real specific because you need to understand the enormity of what Michelle taught me and how it confirmed for me what she had been telling me, I am the creator of my own life. Three coworkers did not like me, it was definitely a personality thing but in weekly meetings they went out of their way to question everything about my work and try to trip me up. I always felt anxious and afraid. After a week of telling Michelle and her helping me with this situation, the meetings were being cancelled (in 10 months that meeting was never cancelled, not even during the holidays). Some of them were not even showing up to the meetings (again never happened, they would show up late if needed but always appeared). I grew confident and in the last weeks two of them had even been nice to me and gave me compliments šŸ˜§ I was shocked to my very core. All that to say that Michelle knows what sheā€™s doing. I will definitely go back to her for more coaching or one of her courses. Take a chance and invest in yourself, you are so worth it!!! Your dream life is right there just waiting for you to step into it!

Monica Restrepo

Thank You

January 15, 2023

Thank you Michelle J Lamont. You have affected me in the best way possible. I found your podcast January 1st 2023, and I havenā€™t stopped listening since. I make sure to click play every single day. I want to thank you for your words of wisdom and thank you for helping opening my eyes up to a bigger picture. I now feel so feel of abundance and so free within my mind – I seriously am so blessed to have found your podcast.

Tori Snow

Michelle will CHANGE your life

January 11, 2023

Michelle has helped me to believe in things I’ve never been able to consider. Honestly, when no one is there I can turn on her podcast and have a great day! She is amazing! There are just some things you can’t talk to anyone about. She helps me through those times…I am open and ready to believe more and more every single day! She is an angel on earth! I love you Michelle! I can’t wait to see what comes this year 2023!



January 3, 2023

Listening to Michelle these past 3 months has inspired me to manifest the best life for me. I just am so happy I found her.

Cloud Franconi

Tommie, financial expert, wife & mother

ā€œGoing through the course with Michelle really helped me to understand and un-do years and years and years of thinking.

I didnā€™t realize I had so many personal blocks holding me back from the highest and best version of myself, and being able to go through that with her, it was priceless. I would have paid double for this course.ā€

Chevia, entrepreneur, statistical analyst & proud mom

ā€œI have learned so much in the past 6 weeks from being in this group. I have created a new thought process by using the techniques that Michelle taught me. They have changed my life and Iā€™m able to pass those techniques onto my daughter and friends and family members.

Prior to joining, I was at a point where I was doubting my thoughts and who I was, my decisions and this group has taught me to trust my intuition. I am forever grateful.ā€

michellejlamont manifestation coach

Book a 10-min Free Discovery Call

Ā Whether you need a private 1-on-1 session to understand the obstacles within your life or you have a corporate event that requires a speaker to address mindfulness in the workplace.

I am happy to accommodate the path you take.

First consultations are free so we can begin to understanding each other.