book a clarity and connection call with a manifestation coach

Manifesting Miracles Zoom

Manifest Miracles – Money- Health- Path- Relationships – Healing

Struggling with financial stress?

Feeling disconnected in your relationships?

Stuck in a rut with no clear path forward?

It’s time to break free and transform your life!


With my personalized single session coaching, you’ll not only discover the secrets to financial abundance, fulfilling relationships, and personal growth but also learn how to overcome obstacles and create lasting change.

Picture this👇:

Imagine waking up every day feeling confident, empowered, and in control of your destiny.

No more sleepless nights worrying about money or feeling alone in your struggles. Instead, you’ll experience a profound shift in mindset and energy that propels you towards success and fulfillment.

My approach goes beyond mere motivation – it’s about real, tangible results.

Through powerful exercises, transformative visualizations, and practical strategies, I’ll guide you step-by-step towards your goals. Together, we’ll uncover the root causes of your challenges and implement proven techniques to overcome them.

But here’s the catch – I only have a few single slots available monthly, and they’re filling up fast!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to change your life for the better.

Book your session now and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Say YES to your dreams and YES to a life filled with abundance, love, and joy. I’m here to support you every step of the way.


Embark on a transformative journey with tailored coaching sessions designed just for you. I am so proud of you, let’s do this together!

Choose from a variety of options to suit your needs:

Option 1:

Single Sessions

30 minutes



Personalized guidance tailored to your specific goals and challenges, utilizing proven manifestation techniques and spiritual practices.


Conducted via Zoom for convenience, with session recordings provided for your reference and continued growth.

1 hour



 Extended time for deeper exploration and breakthroughs, incorporating advanced manifestation strategies and intuitive insights.


Conducted via Zoom for immersive interaction, with session recordings available to revisit key insights and transformations.

Option 2:

Bundle Package

Three 30-minute sessions


(Only $75 each)


Comprehensive support over multiple sessions, allowing for ongoing progress and sustained momentum toward your desired outcomes.


Conducted via Zoom for seamless connection, with session recordings delivered to reinforce your growth journey.

Three 1-hour sessions


(Only $150 each)


Intensive coaching and deep dives into each aspect of your manifestation journey, ensuring holistic transformation and lasting results.


Conducted via Zoom for interactive engagement, with session recordings provided to deepen your integration of newfound insights.

Book Your One or Two session today!

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Manifesting my Dream Life

July 20, 2024

I wanted to take a moment to think back of how this all came to be.

I met Michelle October 2022 when I was at rock bottom.

Or what I felt was rock bottom for me. I had moved home back to Canada a few months after building my dream home on the ocean In Costa Rica with at the time who I thought would be the love of my life.

Had so much confusion self doubt.. no longer had a job with my ex.. had to get another job that didn’t even pay half of what I was used to. I had no vehicle or way of getting around so I went from what felt like every girls dream to having to start over again with voices in my head telling me I will never have anything like I used to.. I felt unworthy of it.

My dream was travel.. on my own terms.. financial freedom.. and independence and it felt as if it was so far out of my reach that I would never have that without a partner.

I debated going back to ways that were once easier but it did not feel right.. it didnt feel like real love it felt like it kept me controlled not loved but controlled.

I wanted to make a difference in my life for myself to show myself I can do it on my own and become who I am supposed to be and have a purpose.

I struggled badly emotionally and mentally. I had started working with Michelle.. and started simply with meditation and gratitude and shortly started to see huge changes with something as simple as showing gratitude for what I did have and the short meditations. I soon manifested a car. Then I started to take the courses and during this time I was still in a dark place around the wrong environment and working with Michelle helped pull me out of a dark place and bring me to step into my highest timeline and learning the art of letting go surrendering. This helped me leave the job that was undervaluing me take a leap of faith into another and doubling my earning the first month I started the new job and the money just went up from there. From that point on I became more confident in the decisions I was making understanding that taking leaps of faith would take me way further than staying where I was. I began trusting the unknown. I also then bought the same car on my vision board travelled again 4 times that following year ON MY OWN. I am now living in my dream place Santa Monica California. I literally packed my bags and my little frenchie after taking all the aligned steps to ensure a smooth moving process and got to my dream place on my own… Independently. I thank Michelle for all of this. If I didnt have her during the hardest times I would have never pulled myself out of that dark place and reach a higher timeline that she proved that I am worthy of. LOVE LOVE LOVE MICHELLE J LAMONT and that miracles she helps me create.


Just manifested a job within 2 DAY!!!

July 12, 2024

Michelle teachings ARE PHENOMENAL AND WORKS!!!

I needed to a get second job with urgency to cover next month expenses and focusing on meditation and Michelle teachings with 2 DAYS, the client landed directly into my inbox on my LinkedIn (which I usually not use just to apply to some jobs) saying that I was the perfect fit for her biz. We meet the next day and BOOM! She hired me at that exact moment! Thank you for teaching me how to connect to my ancestors and my inner power!


From Doubt to Dollars is incredible!

June 6, 2024

I manifested a new job with a $15,000 raise and cleared my limiting beliefs about money. Michelle’s course is life-changing.


Uncover your shadow side and let go

June 5, 2024

The shadow work book is great. I have discovered things that I didn’t know still needed healing and have been able to let go and release. Every time I use the book and journal a new question I start to feel lighter and lighter. I highly recommend all of Michelle’s work and definitely this book.

Kelly D

From doubt to dollars

May 24, 2024

I just finished from doubt to dollars and I highly recommend for anyone who has negative beliefs or thoughts about money. In 21 days I have learned to live abundantly, changed my perspective of my finances, feel happier, more fulfilled, and less stressed. This course has so much content and really breaks down generational/cultural money beliefs, barriers, and negative thoughts. If you are someone who feels stuck like nothing will ever change and there’s no way out of the rut you are in I highly recommend. I cannot wait to start my next course with Michelle!

Book a Free Call with Manifestation Coach

Book a 10-min Free Discovery Call

 Whether you need a private 1-on-1 session to understand the obstacles within your life or you have a corporate event that requires a speaker to address mindfulness in the workplace…

I am happy to accommodate the path you take.

First consultations are free so we can begin understanding each other.