book a clarity and connection call with a manifestation coach

Manifesting Miracles Zoom

Manifest Miracles – Money- Health- Path- Relationships – Healing

Struggling with financial stress?

Feeling disconnected in your relationships?

Stuck in a rut with no clear path forward?

It’s time to break free and transform your life!


With my personalized single session coaching, you’ll not only discover the secrets to financial abundance, fulfilling relationships, and personal growth but also learn how to overcome obstacles and create lasting change.

Picture thisšŸ‘‡:

Imagine waking up every day feeling confident, empowered, and in control of your destiny.

No more sleepless nights worrying about money or feeling alone in your struggles. Instead, you’ll experience a profound shift in mindset and energy that propels you towards success and fulfillment.

My approach goes beyond mere motivation ā€“ it’s about real, tangible results.

Through powerful exercises, transformative visualizations, and practical strategies, I’ll guide you step-by-step towards your goals. Together, we’ll uncover the root causes of your challenges and implement proven techniques to overcome them.

But here’s the catch ā€“ I only have a few single slots available monthly, and they’re filling up fast!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to change your life for the better.

Book your session now and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Say YES to your dreams and YES to a life filled with abundance, love, and joy. I’m here to support you every step of the way.


Embark on a transformative journey with tailored coaching sessions designed just for you. I am so proud of you, let’s do this together!

Choose from a variety of options to suit your needs:

Option 1:

Single Sessions

30 minutes



Personalized guidance tailored to your specific goals and challenges, utilizing proven manifestation techniques and spiritual practices.


Conducted via Zoom for convenience, with session recordings provided for your reference and continued growth.

1 hour



Ā Extended time for deeper exploration and breakthroughs, incorporating advanced manifestation strategies and intuitive insights.


Conducted via Zoom for immersive interaction, with session recordings available to revisit key insights and transformations.

Option 2:

Bundle Package

Three 30-minute sessions


(Only $75 each)


Comprehensive support over multiple sessions, allowing for ongoing progress and sustained momentum toward your desired outcomes.


Conducted via Zoom for seamless connection, with session recordings delivered to reinforce your growth journey.

Three 1-hour sessions


(Only $150 each)


Intensive coaching and deep dives into each aspect of your manifestation journey, ensuring holistic transformation and lasting results.


Conducted via Zoom for interactive engagement, with session recordings provided to deepen your integration of newfound insights.

Book Your One or Two session today!

Leave a review


February 14, 2023

I am a nurse, a newer stepmom and wife, and a graduate school student, and this has been the BEST INVESTMENT OF MY LIFE! To keep it short and sweet, I had depression for about a year, sprinkled with repressed issues that were coming out in really harmful ways for myself and my family. I felt that my life was spiraling and falling apart. I knew of Michelle’s podcasts for a while, but I hesitated on asking for help. Then I took a chance with the 1:1 for 6 weeks which FINALLY helped me get out of depression. About 3 months after that, I was ready to move from just feeling okay to happy and abundant. So I signed for Alignment Exposed, and OMG, BEST INVESTMENT OF MY LIFE! 6 weeks is doable for anyone, and you are with a very supportive group. It felt safe to be vulnerable. I almost do not recognize who I am in the mirror when I look back at myself 6 weeks ago before the program. It is like a spiritual bootcamp, but then there is a point where you begin to see the magic and blessings that life, your angels, and God/source has to offer. You also get to see YOU, the actual, fearless, eternal, amazing version of YOU.

Zauhra Nazery

1-1 coaching- is it worth it?!

February 8, 2023

Last week I completed 6 weeks of 1 on 1 coaching with Michelle Lamont and I had to evaluate if it was worth it. I had to come to the resounding conclusion that 100 times YES!!!! I came to her looking for guidance on self love and what I gained was a new mindset. I thought I had done some healing but that shadow work showed me I was holding on to stuff that made it hard to manifest the life I desired. I had been dealing with some personality issues at work, a few people I worked with who made my job harder and she helped me so much. Iā€™m going to get real specific because you need to understand the enormity of what Michelle taught me and how it confirmed for me what she had been telling me, I am the creator of my own life. Three coworkers did not like me, it was definitely a personality thing but in weekly meetings they went out of their way to question everything about my work and try to trip me up. I always felt anxious and afraid. After a week of telling Michelle and her helping me with this situation, the meetings were being cancelled (in 10 months that meeting was never cancelled, not even during the holidays). Some of them were not even showing up to the meetings (again never happened, they would show up late if needed but always appeared). I grew confident and in the last weeks two of them had even been nice to me and gave me compliments šŸ˜§ I was shocked to my very core. All that to say that Michelle knows what sheā€™s doing. I will definitely go back to her for more coaching or one of her courses. Take a chance and invest in yourself, you are so worth it!!! Your dream life is right there just waiting for you to step into it!

Monica Restrepo

Thank You

January 15, 2023

Thank you Michelle J Lamont. You have affected me in the best way possible. I found your podcast January 1st 2023, and I havenā€™t stopped listening since. I make sure to click play every single day. I want to thank you for your words of wisdom and thank you for helping opening my eyes up to a bigger picture. I now feel so feel of abundance and so free within my mind – I seriously am so blessed to have found your podcast.

Tori Snow

Michelle will CHANGE your life

January 11, 2023

Michelle has helped me to believe in things I’ve never been able to consider. Honestly, when no one is there I can turn on her podcast and have a great day! She is amazing! There are just some things you can’t talk to anyone about. She helps me through those times…I am open and ready to believe more and more every single day! She is an angel on earth! I love you Michelle! I can’t wait to see what comes this year 2023!



January 3, 2023

Listening to Michelle these past 3 months has inspired me to manifest the best life for me. I just am so happy I found her.

Cloud Franconi
Book a Free Call with Manifestation Coach

Book a 10-min Free Discovery Call

Ā Whether you need a private 1-on-1 session to understand the obstacles within your life or you have a corporate event that requires a speaker to address mindfulness in the workplace…

I am happy to accommodate the path you take.

First consultations are free so we can begin understanding each other.