Manifestation Mindset Coaching

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Unleash the confetti and launch the fireworks, it’s officially time for the BEST chapter of your life to start!

As your manifestation mindset coach, we are about to leap into your abundance, peace & unlimited JOY!


Spots are limited


No more waiting. The best chapter of your life starts RIGHT NOW.

My coaching program is a limited series where I give you personalized tools, knowledge, and encouragement. These sessions will help you get into a manifestation mindset and leap into abundance, peace, and unlimited JOY!

Are you ready?  I know you are. Let's get started! 

About My Coaching Programs

Spots are limited

We will create a timeline and personalized agenda of the things you need to work on to align with your abundance, success, and love.

All uniquely crafted just for you.


Weekly one-hour 1:1 zoom meetings with me


All sessions are all recorded and sent to you for you to watch as often as needed


Daily communication with me via Voxer


Coaching time slots are based on your availability. Your meeting will be at the same time each week.

Coaching Objectives

What You Will Takeaway


Learn how to forgive your history & release any limiting beliefs, doubt and fear.

You will learn exactly what you need to do to ignite abundance & become the true creator of your reality.


Develop a personal manifesting morning routine

Based on your daily life.


Align with your highest potential & see why you are really here.

We will help uncover your personal Devine path.

Create opportunities in success, abundance, & love.


We will be going deep into shadow work.

We’re going to confront those fears and face that imposter syndrome so you can reveal the highest and the best version of yourself.


This is your level-up season.

I will help you to tap into your future self.

I want you to have that authentic abundance portal unlocked, secured and understood.

Wake up happy to be alive & learn how to master your powerful energy!


Meet the magical you.

I will help you understand that cosmic confidence is never going to leave.

We will go over very specific practices so you can understand: 

    • How to manifest money. 

    • How to manifest happiness. 

    • How to manifest strength.


Calling in your angels and calling your guides.

We will go over exactly how they show up for you and how to call on them for guidance.


Create a one-year timeline moving forward.

We will go over everything that we had been working on for the last few weeks and craft an individualized 12-month timeline so that way you can continue to truly manifest the highest and the best version of yourself.

Have a question about manifestation mindset coaching?

Book a free 15-minute Q&A session with me to go over any questions you have about the program!

My Coaching Packages

Six Weeks to Success

Coaching Package


Six (6) weekly 1:1 Zoom video calls

Unlimited Voxer access for 6 weeks

Priority email support for 6 weeks


Coaching Package


Twelve (12) weekly 1:1 Zoom video calls

Unlimited Voxer access for 3 months

Priority email support for 3 months

Are you ready to begin manifesting miracles?

Of course you are.

Let’s do it together!

Past Coaching Testimonials



 "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. And Michelle appeared in my life right when I needed her.

Doing 6 weeks to success with her has been mind changing in my life. I am forever grateful to God for putting her in my path and in my life. She has helped me grow in my journal and gave me the tools I needed to move forward."



"Last week I completed 6 weeks of 1 on 1 coaching with Michelle Lamont and I had to evaluate if it was worth it.

I had to come to the resounding conclusion that 100 times YES!!!! I came to her looking for guidance on self love and what I gained was a new mindset.

I thought I had done some healing but that shadow work showed me I was holding on to stuff that made it hard to manifest the life I desired. I had been dealing with some personality issues at work, a few people I worked with who made my job harder and she helped me so much.

I’m going to get real specific because you need to understand the enormity of what Michelle taught me and how it confirmed for me what she had been telling me, I am the creator of my own life. Three coworkers did not like me, it was definitely a personality thing but in weekly meetings they went out of their way to question everything about my work and try to trip me up. I always felt anxious and afraid. After a week of telling Michelle and her helping me with this situation, the meetings were being cancelled (in 10 months that meeting was never cancelled, not even during the holidays).

Some of them were not even showing up to the meetings (again never happened, they would show up late if needed but always appeared). I grew confident and in the last weeks two of them had even been nice to me and gave me compliments  I was shocked to my very core. All that to say that Michelle knows what she’s doing. I will definitely go back to her for more coaching or one of her courses. Take a chance and invest in yourself, you are so worth it!!! Your dream life is right there just waiting for you to step into it!"

Leave a review

Warning lol: may cause sparks of inspiration and slight obsession

January 2, 2023

Right away I could just tell that this podcast was the one for me. Michelle is so real and really understands you. Michelle has inspired me to make some major life changes I have cut out watching the news, cleaned out all my audio and video libraries of any violence or murder, not wanting to invite that in, and also made the decision to become vegetarian. I am wheelchair bound, disabled, and blessed to not have to work! I have all day while I do my exercises to get obsessed with Michelle, and I do so!

Brooke Moody

Alignment Exposed

December 26, 2022

I took Alignment Exposed earlier this year and it was AMAZING. This course literally teaches you soooo much about manifesting, spirituality, the universe, EVERYTHING. I have been able to uplevel my entire life and add in manifestation tactics like never before. I am happier than I have ever been in my life 🙂

Michelle is so knowledgeable, she really is the best teacher you could ask for. Thank you, Michelle!!


Michelle Is Truly Inspiring

November 20, 2022

I’m so happy I came across Manifesting Miracles Podcast. Ever since I started listening back in June my business and personal life has flourished! I decided to book a 15 min call with Michelle that also led me into taking her class. Her classes are Amazing! 10/10 would highly recommend.


Michelle truly cares about you

November 16, 2022

I knew from listening to Michelle’s podcast that she truly cared about you and really wanting you to manifest everything you desired. That is precisely what I got and then some in my 1:1 sessions with Michelle. She’s funny, honest, and charismatic. She helps truly helps you see that you are worthy of creating the desires of your heart.


Life changing

November 9, 2022

Coming across this amazing podcast has made such a difference in my life. Lovely Michelle is such a high vibrational being who really knows her stuff, angel sent from above!! Thank you for being a light, happy and thankful I came across your podcast, and much gratitude to my angels and guides for leading me to you! Work with her if you have the chance, it’ll be worth have no idea!

book a clarity and connection call with a manifestation coach

Book a 10-min

Free Discovery Call

Whether you need a private 1-on-1 session to understand the obstacles within your life or you have a corporate event that requires a speaker to address mindfulness in the workplace.

I am happy to accommodate the path you take.

First consultations are free so we can begin to understanding each other.