Empower your mind to work in harmony with your desires.

Take charge of your mindset, manifest your dreams, and embark on a journey to live your most extraordinary and abundant.

Last Speech MichelleJlamont.com

Most Loved Course

with Michelle J Lamont

Let’s reshape your reality together

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Ready to start your Abundance journey?

Discover the power of Manifestation and Transform your reality with my FREE 7-day crash course!


Event Calendar

book a clarity and connection call with a manifestation coach
Alignment Exposed 6 week michellejlamont.com

Started on January 7


Started March 25

_Michelle Into the mystic program

Started May 26, 2024

manifesting manifestors masterclass michellejlamont.com

Starts: August 18, 2024









Book a 10-min Free Discovery Call

 Whether you need a private 1-on-1 session to understand the obstacles within your life or have a corporate event that requires a speaker to address mindfulness in the workplace.

I am happy to accommodate the path you take.

First consultations are free so we can begin to understanding each other.

Start to Manifest Your Dreams with this Podcast

Listen to My Podcast Episodes

Happy Listeners

half million lives impacted with michelle podcast

Transformative Success Stories

Bootcamp is like a spiritual PHD fast track program

April 23, 2024

Working with Michelle and the beautiful people of our Dragonfly Crew (your group will get a name from

Your collective manifestation goal) was life changing. It is a true bootcamp. You will get HUNDREDS of pages of detailed information on how to manifest your miracle, magic and money. The weekly zooms became the highlight of my week to geek out over this amazing wealth of information we processed the week prior. Our group chat became a sacred place of love and support sharing wins and stories or even just a “grand rising” message. The entire experience was truly beautiful and I loved every second of it.

If you ever considered working with Michelle, do it. I PROMISE you. You will be better for it. Michelle is a monumental gift from the universe. She will leave leave a permanent mark on your soul. You will carry her teaching with you for the rest of your life.

Amanda Mordaunt

One on One Coaching

April 23, 2024

Michelle J Lamont is a GIFT to this world. I worked with her in one on one coaching in 6 weeks to success. I worked through blocks with her and heals wounds that were decades old. She is kind and generous. She hold no judgement. She only holds space full of love and light. She wants you to be your best self and she is going to be by your side the whole journey. I love Michelle. It has been my honor to work with her.


Shadow Work Journal

April 12, 2024

I love this journal! I started using a few months ago and its really helping me gain insight into myself and my inner child. I have healed a lot in such a short amount of time. I definitely recommend.


$40,000 after Manifesting bootcamp!

March 5, 2024

I can’t say enough about working with Michelle! My life is a complete 180 since we first met last Spring. I am more peaceful, with better relationships with my children, a new partner and now $40,000 in forgiven student loans. I was rejected after the first submission, but followed my intuition, which has been strengthened enormously in the past year. I requested a review and the loan forgiveness came through! I am so excited to step more and more into my energetic flow as I continue to practice all that I learned in the Bootcamp and from Michelle!


Alignment Exposed 2024

February 25, 2024

If you are looking to really make a change have an impact on your life! Listen to Michelle J Lamont podcasts as well as TikTok or Instagram and get hooked. I have done 2 live courses with her and this second course Alignment Exposed 2024 totally changed my life! I manifested the sale of my current home and my new forever home! As well as unexpected money which I also received a $10k bonus for closing costs on my new home! It has all that I visualized and manifested! So if you really want to change put you 1st check her out she truly is authentic and he teachings are like “whoa” mind blowing investing in yourself is worth it! So check her out you won’t be disappointed!

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I’m Living Proof You Can Manifest Your Dreams

Michelle j lamont & kim kardashian

Michelle J Lamont & Kim Kardashian

Michelle j lamont & Oprah

Michelle J Lamont & Oprah

Michelle j lamont & Oprah

Michelle J Lamont & Super Model Cindy Crawford

MichelleJlamont SuperBowl Champion Troy Aikenman

Michelle J Lamont & SuperBowl Champion Troy Aikman

Real Housewife of Beverly Hills Camille Grammer

Michelle J Lamont & Real Housewife of Beverly Hills Camille Grammer

Manifest Your Dreams with this Free Call

Book a 10-min Free Discovery Call

 Whether you need a private 1-on-1 session to understand the obstacles within your life or have a corporate event that requires a speaker to address mindfulness in the workplace.

I am happy to accommodate the path you take.

First consultations are free so we can begin to understanding each other.

Manifesting Miracles Shop

Michelle j lamont & kim kardashian


Michelle j lamont & kim kardashian